Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Spirituality, Religion and Stupidity

Spirituality, Religion and Stupidity
“Spirituality means any experience that is thought to bring the experiencer  into contact with the divine. The traditional meaning of spirituality is a process of re-formation which "aims to recover the original shape of man, the image of God
6,000+ Free Spirituality & Spiritual Images - Pixabay

 Spirituality, leans more toward  the internalization of your awareness of your soul. It is an inward journey that involves a shift in awareness, rather than some form of external activity. As such, spirituality is much more about inner understanding than outer worship. This is not to say that worship is not a part of spirituality; it’s a matter of where the devotion and worship are directed: To an external practice, object, or figurehead or To your soul, higher self, or divinity within.
 Spirituality though, breaks free from the restrictions and rigid structure, sometimes associated with traditional religion. The spiritual aspirant recognizes that he or she is on a “pathless path” of self-discovery. They are following not a set of external rules, but their own inner call to spirit.
In this way, spirituality can sometimes feel like a rebellious act of going solo, very much in the spirit of “To be yourself, in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else” is the greatest!

By definition, religion is a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices; the service and worship of God or the supernatural.: Religions are most often based upon the lives, teachings, and beliefs of a historical figure (e.g.,Christ, Buddha, Moses, Krishna, Muhammad). The details of their lives as holy or highly evolved beings have been carried to us across the mists of time through oral tradition and written scriptures. These figures are the subject of worship and devotion and form the foundation of religious practices and rituals.. In other words, there is usually a greater focus on the externals: Houses of worship (e.g., a church), Books of scripture, Eternal rituals, Observances etc. This is the equivalent of object-referral in which your attention is placed upon the objects in your experience.
Religious Conversion and freedom of religion - iPleaders
 It is a structured, frequently rule-based construct that to some degree governs the behavior of its members. Moral rules, laws, and doctrines, as well as specific codes and criteria, create the organized structure that contains the religion’s specific belief system. Religion helped to give society a sense of certainty and helped to guide and comfort those whose faith was lacking.
 There is a group of people who thinks that  religious people tend to rely more on intuition in decision making. So, rather than having impaired general intelligence, they might be comparatively poor on tasks in which instead of intuition,  logic come into effect– and this might explain their  lower  IQ test results.
They believe that there is no God. An individual who believes in a God and thinks He (God)   actively intervenes in earthly events and keeps an eye on him personally, and listens and responds to his prayers,  is mistaken.
He doesn’t understand basic facts about the world and the provenance of worldly things like  phone from which he sends text messages, the car that he drives, the antibiotic that cures his bronchitis and the electricity that brightens in his home.

Shlomo Avineri* argues that “secular intellectuals” who think that “anyone who believes in God and religion is stupid and unenlightened intellectually, socially, or morally commit the sin of arrogance.
    *(Shlomo Avineri Shlomo Avineri - Wikipedia

65 Stupidity quotes and sayings that will open your mindVoltaire quote: The more often a stupidity is repeated, the more it...
*(Shlomo Avineri is  Professor Emeritus of Political Science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, served as Director-General of Israel’s foreign ministry under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.)_

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Personality and Professional Success

Personality and Professional Success

There is a hypothesis that more than sixty percent of your success depends on your 2-P.
Personality and Public Relation Skills, and I strongly agree with this.I strongly believe that your hard work, your IQ, etc contribute only 40 % of your success. I have seen many successful people who were not born in any rich family, neither a lot of effort were made, but his personality and Public relation skill made him top on the success.There fore we will examine these two factors closely in this post further.

Guard Your Inner Voice


Guard Your Inner Voice


My inner voice guides my thought process and thought process guides my behavior. So my inner voice is very important
I have to constantly guard what I am whispering to myself. Most of the time either it is negative or positive. My motivation, my self esteem, my action is guided by this inner voice.
If my inner voice is negative, I have to challenge it and rectify it immediately and replace it with a positive inner voice.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Agenda of Tableegh Jamat

Recently a lot has been said about the topic, but out of 90 years old jamat history  which started with a very small beginning by Maulana Ilyas (RA)..Maulana Ilyas (RA) in the era of 1940-50, realized the  peril of spirituality of Indian Muslims. There were no any established organization that was working towards this segments. Madarsas were busy in Imparting theological courses to the students, but what about  those Muslims who are gown up, busy in their routine life. There was no any school who can were working towards imparting true islamic values and education to the grown up people. The grown up people now  can not take admission in madarsa, nor they have motivation to go forward and seek  religious education from the scholars.These ideas always haunted the in the mind of Maulana. He contacted many scholars and thinkers, but no any concrete picture of system emerged that can help in imbibing religious values in the elders.
After a lot of digging and speculations, a formal structure was evolved in his mind in the form of this Tableegh Jamat  movement. There were  few takers of this idea initially, But Maulan was convinced of the concept and he continued his effort tirelessly with full motivation and poise.In the process he faced a lot of hardships, he started selling his ancestral properties to keep moving the movement. A time came in that period that left him and his followers without food many nights.
In the process he could meet some people of Mewat who after a lot of struggle took the ideas, and movement started to get momentum.

Story  is very long that can not be put on a small piece of paper.   It was a earlier story and now movement of Tableegh took so much momentum that it has its presence in more or less each country. There is no any funding from out side and and the expenses are met from the contribution of its own members.

Now there is a question,  what was that  ideas, values, or thought that started from no takers to the followers of lakes of people.

 To answer this question and I want to present here some major teachings and methodologies of Tableegh.
All the teachings of Tableegh is framed in six numbers only. Either the person is a new entrant or  a established preacher, He has to limit his preaching only around  this numbers. This is said that it is not that, you have to preach these numbers but  It is to practice in your own life so that it should be reflected from your action and behavior. Therefore now it is imperative to discuss these numbers in detail.
These numbers are as follows
  1. Faith &Belief
  2. Salat (Prayer)
  3. Knowledge and Meditation 
  4. Fulfilling Social Obligations
  5. Sincerity in Intention
  6. Invitation

1)FAITH & BELIEF;This school of thought  (Tableegh Jamat) believes that a person action is directed by his belief. Therefore it is imperative to correct the belief.The First and foremost belief being inculcated is about God, the Deity. There is one and only one Deity, creature of the universe. He created the whole universe without help of any body or any other power. There is no one who shares his sovereignty, He,  not only created the universe, but He has full command on it. Nothing can go against his will, even a leaf of tree can not fall without his permission. He has the knowledge of all persons hidden beliefs and thoughts also. And many more in this line----

Second part of the belief being inculcated is that God has sent Prophets time to time to guard the behavior and morale of the  people, like Jesus Christ, Musa,, Abraham etc. Prophet Mohammad(SA) is the last Prophet in the line. We are followers of Prophet Mohammad(SA). He has guided the people as per the wishes of God. Who ever will follow his instructions and sayings, he will be successful in this worldly life as well as here after..
2) SAlAT (Prayer); This states that our success in this world and hereafter depends on the pleasure of God. Our first and foremost duty is to please the almighty with our actions, and the first actions demanded through us is complete submission to God through five times prayer.If we fail in it, we are not Muslim.This is the test of our belief in sovereignty of God.Any one who has complete faith,  that nothing can happen either wrong or right without permission of God, he will offer five times prayer and what ever good or bad happens to him, he will be happy to accept that it is through Gods command.
3 ) KNOWLEDGE AND MEDITATION; This school of beliefs clearly  understand that  Islam religion is based on the knowledge  bestowed of Holy book Quran and Prophet sayings (Hadees). The religion is not based on arbitrary assumptions and myths. Therefore Tableegh Jamat  wants their follower to clearly understand and mold their behavior as per its teachings. It believes that Quran and Hadees has give lights on all sphere of life, therefore,  their follower should learn and abide this to become a better Muslim as well as a better human beings. Some of the teachings  in this line are followings

  • One learned man has more power  over, than a thousand worshipers.
  • Who ever travels on the path in search of knowledge, God will enable him to travel on one of the path of paradise
  • Remember your sustain-er in the morning and evening within yourself humbly and with fear . And be not among  neglectful..
  • Almighty and  Majestic says;I am with My slave when he remembers Me and till his lips move while remembering Me.

4) Fulfilling Social Obligations

  • `He who visits sick person, enter into the mercy of God.
  • Like for your brother for what you like for yourself.
  • Blessings are with your elder; This means that those of old age have done more virtues and as such they are more blessed.
  • Going out for a brother’s need  is better than ten years confining in Masjid for the worship of God.
  •  Allah is gentle and He loves gentleness. He rewards for gentleness.

To be continued-------------

Post Covid-19,Revival of Economy: An Economist View.

Post Covid-19,Revival of Economy:      An Economist View                                                     According to  ...